
Register a business name in ohio online
Register a business name in ohio online

register a business name in ohio online

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion provides information on a wide range of diversity, equity and inclusion topics, including resources pertaining to minority and woman-owned business participation on City contracts, becoming MBE/WBE Certified with the City of Columbus and access to their MBE/WBE Certified Business Directory. They are responsible for ensuring all contractors, subcontractors, vendors and suppliers who desire to be a party to a City of Columbus contract hold a valid contract compliance verification number and comply with all provisions of Title 39 of Columbus City Code. The office focuses on Workforce Diversity, Workplace Culture, Supplier Diversity and Community Outreach - all necessary elements for building Columbus into America’s Equal Opportunity City. Complete Form 534A, Name Registration, enclose the required processing payment fee, and then mail it to either one of the following: Regular Filing: P.O. Ginther, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion is responsible for leading diversity and inclusion management within the City. Mayor’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion Under the leadership of Mayor Andrew J. The DBA name must be registered with the Secretary of State to ensure the name is not currently being used by any other company in the state of Ohio.

Register a business name in ohio online